Other Online Resources
The Internet sites included here are examples of additional
stem cell-related resources. Some of these sites are not
supported by NIH. NIH is not responsible for the availability or
content of other sites. Permission to reproduce information at
other sites may be required. NIH does not endorse, warrant, or
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Annotated Bibliography
Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness,
Report from Former President Bush 's Council on Bioethics,
Can biotechnology satisfy our human desires—for better
children, superior performance, ageless bodies, and happy
souls? This report from the President's Council on Bioethics
says these possibilities present us with profound ethical
challenges and choices. Not declaring "findings," but holding
an inquiry—inviting us all to think and debate—the President's
Council sought the ideas of dozens of celebrated scientists,
thinkers and writers, including such Council members as
Francis Fukuyama, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Sandel, and
James Q. Wilson, as well as witnesses Steven Pinker, Daniel
Schacter, Lawrence Diller, Steven Austad, and S. Jay Olshansky.
Reaping the Benefits of Genomic and Proteomic Research:
Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and Public Health,
Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in Genomic and
Protein Research and Innovation, National Research Council,
The National Academy of Sciences reports on the granting and
licensing of intellectual property rights on discoveries
relating to genetics and proteomics and the effects of these
practices on research and innovation.
Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine , by
Commission on Life Sciences, 2002.
Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine summarizes
what we know about adult and embryonic stem cells. It also
provides an overview of the moral and ethical problems that
arise from the use of embryonic stem cells, compares the
likely impact of public and private research funding on
progress in the field, and discusses approaches to appropriate
research oversight. Based on the insights of leading
scientists, ethicists, and other authorities, the authors make
recommendations regarding the use of existing stem cell lines
versus new lines in research, the important role of the
federal Related Federal Government Sites in this field of
research, and other fundamental issues impacting potential
stem cell-based therapies.
Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Patients,
National Public Radio Talk of the Nation Audio, April 2004.
This one-hour audio program discusses injecting stem cells
into heart patients to improve blood flow. This new treatment
for heart disease uses the patient's own bone marrow to
restore heart function.
Unlocking the Promise of Stem Cells, Harvard Stem
Cell Institute, March 2004.
View an interactive videoconference in which University
researchers discuss the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, created
to move cutting-edge research on embryonic stem cells from the
lab to the clinic.
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