Medical Mobility News on basic mobility,
new equipment, new condition research & development such
as Cerebral Palsy, Head Injury, Multiple Sclerosis,
Parkinson's, Spinal Disease, Spinal Injury, Stem Cell
Research as we as transportation and
new mobility devices.
Disabled People and Social Policy:
From Exclusion to Inclusion
provides an informed and accessible introduction to the
key issues in disability and social policy which have
emerged in light of the changing approaches towards
disability over the last fifteen years. The concepts of
exclusion and inclusion provide the central focus around
which the book is organized, and are examined in economic,
social, political, ideological, moral and cultural terms.
The book is divided into two parts, Part One contains the
central tenets of the authors argument and Part Two
includes selected extracts from published documents which
highlight the issues raised throughout the text. |
Americas Disability Act |
Automotive |
Palsy |
Head Injury |
Multiple Sclerosis |
Parkinson's |
Disease |
Injury |
Cell Research |
Whether they realize it or not, journalists reporting on
health care developments deliver public health messages that
can influence the behavior of clinicians and patients. Often
these messages are delivered effectively by seasoned reporters
who perform thoughtfully even in the face of breaking news and
tight deadlines. But all too frequently, what is conveyed
about health by many other journalists is wrong or misleading.
Some distortion is attributable to ignorance or an inability
to interpret and convey the nuanced results of clinical
studies. And some is due to uncertainty about journalists'
proper role: Is our job to describe the bigger picture, or
simply to report what is “new”? Should we present
black-and-white versions of reality that lend themselves to
stark headlines, rather than grayer complexities that are
harder to distill into simple truths? I believe that when
journalists ignore complexities or fail to provide context,
the public health messages they convey are inevitably
inadequate or distorted. The news media need to become more
knowledgeable and to embrace more fully our role in delivering
to the public accurate, complete, and balanced messages about
health. With some additional skills, care, and introspection —
and a change in priorities — we can produce coverage more in
line with our responsibilities.
health care journalists will say their paramount role is to
report the “news” — strictly speaking, that which is new.
These journalists tend to cover the findings of a new clinical
study without much, if any, reference to previous relevant
studies. For example, in 2006, multiple news reports on the
Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary
Modification trial concluded that a “low-fat” diet (in which
fat accounted for 20% of calories) produced no benefit in
terms of reduced rates of disease in women.1
Given the trial results, this was an inaccurate interpretation
to begin with: breast cancer rates were 22% lower among women
with sharply reduced fat intake than in the comparison group.
Perhaps more problematically, almost no news story about this
trial made reference to findings first reported in 2005 from
the Women's Intervention Nutrition Study, which clearly showed
that a low-fat diet reduced the risk of recurrent breast
cancer among women who previously had the disease.2
Apparently, that study was no longer relevant by 2006,
although it focused on the same topic. The “new” public health
message for women was that dietary fat didn't especially
More broadly, a problem that is worsening in this era of
the 24/7 news cycle is the frequent failure to put new
developments into any kind of reasonable context for readers
or viewers. In this environment, reporters become little more
than headline readers or conduct interviews that amount to a
“hit and run” version of journalism. For example, a September
24, 2008, report on CBS's “Early Show” featured a 105-second
discussion of transradial angioplasty. First, the interviewer
incorrectly described all angioplasty as “the opening of
blocked arteries through the wrist.” Then a prominent
interventional cardiologist was allotted enough time to say
that the transradial procedure was cheaper than traditional
angioplasty and superior for most patients — but not enough
time to cite the study on which his assertions were based.
Completely absent was any discussion of when and why
angioplasty should be done, let alone of the large, year-older
study that raised important questions about whether too many
angioplasties were being performed.
Journalists sometimes feel the need to play carnival barkers,
hyping a story to draw attention to it. This leads them to
frame a story as new or different — depicting study results as
counterintuitive or a break from the past — if they want it to
be featured prominently or even accepted by an editor at all.
Consider news reports on the findings of the Sequenced
Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study,
reported in March 2006.3
The STAR*D study was a complicated trial designed to test
treatment approaches for seriously depressed patients who
weren't helped by taking one antidepressant. The results
showed that 50% of patients had improvement after pursuing
additional treatment steps, such as switching or adding
medications, taking a higher dose, undergoing cognitive
therapy, or some combination of these. Arguably, for people
with serious long-term depression, this was hopeful news. Yet
on March 23, 2006, the Washington Post ran a story
whose lead paragraph framed the study as a failure because
half the patients had no improvement: “Antidepressants fail to
cure the symptoms of major depression in half of all patients
with the disease even if they receive the best possible care,
according to a definitive government study released
yesterday.” Apparently, simply noting that half got better and
half did not was not deemed sufficiently new or interesting. |
A decade's worth of unprecedented drug recalls and other
worrisome developments in drug safety or efficacy have
appropriately pushed many journalists into aggressive coverage
of pharmaceutical issues. Much of this reporting has been
important investigative journalism yielding many benefits,
including increased transparency and timeliness in reporting
clinical trial results. The downside of the drumbeat of
coverage, however, is the implicit message communicated to the
public that many drugs on the market are neither safe nor
effective — and that federal drug-safety regulators are
generally incompetent. |
During congressional hearings in 2004 that unleashed a
torrent of this type of coverage, a safety officer for the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), David Graham, singled out
five drugs on the market whose safety should be “seriously
looked at.” Some newspaper reports the next day featured
graphic spreads on the “Five Most Dangerous Drugs” — the acne
drug isotretinoin, the weight-loss drug sibutramine, the
cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor valdecoxib, the lipid-lowering drug
rosuvastatin, and the asthma drug salmeterol. Four years
later, all but one of these drugs (valdecoxib) are still on
the market, although black-box warnings were strengthened or
added for most and a new safety-oriented distribution system
was created for isotretinoin. Few news reports at the time
noted that Graham's list was just that — his own personal list
of worrisome drugs, not the FDA's or anyone else's. Almost no
drug on the market is without risk. Web sites such as Public
Citizen's WorstPills.org feature literally hundreds of
concerns about dozens of drugs. One could conclude that the
news media largely ignores most drug-safety or efficacy issues
until, for whatever reason, a new study appears or someone
shows up at the U.S. Capitol to talk about such concerns.
But so
uncertain and episodic has been past coverage of drug safety
and efficacy that much of the news media now feel duty-bound
to report on many drug-related findings whether reporters
understand them or not. A recent high-profile example was
coverage of the Ezetimibe and Simvastatin in
Hypercholesterolemia Enhances Atherosclerosis Regression
(ENHANCE) trial.4
Although the study in fact raised questions about whether
ezetimibe yielded any benefit when added to statin therapy,
its findings were almost consistently misreported. Some
journalists asserted that it showed the drug had no benefits
in preventing heart attacks and strokes — something it
certainly did not show, since heart attacks and strokes were
not end points in the trial. We will never know the cost of
this misinformation in terms of panicked patients or
physicians who, perhaps unnecessarily, discontinued use of the
In my
view, we in the news media have a responsibility to hold
ourselves to higher standards if there is any chance that
doctors and patients will act on the basis of our reporting.
We are not clinicians, but we must be more than carnival
barkers; we must be credible health communicators more
interested in conveying clear, actionable health information
to the public than carrying out our other agendas. There is
strong evidence that many journalists agree — and in
particular, consider themselves poorly trained to understand
medical studies and statistics.5
But not only should our profession demand better training of
health journalists, it should also require that health
stories, rather than being rendered in black and white, use
all the grays on the palette to paint a comprehensive picture
of inevitably complex realties. Journalists could start by
imposing on their work a “prudent reader or viewer” test: On
the basis of my news account, what would a prudent person do
or assume about a given medical intervention, and did I
therefore succeed in delivering the best public health message
possible? |
Although the primary responsibility for improving
health-related journalism must lie with journalists,
clinicians and researchers can help. When interviewed by
journalists about a news development, such as a new study,
they should offer to discuss the broader context, point
reporters to any similar or contradictory studies, refer
journalists to credible colleagues with differing
perspectives, and mention any study limitations or caveats
about the results, as well as any potential or real conflicts
of interest among the study authors. It will take many expert
hands to ensure that the health news the public reads really
is fit to print. |
Source Information
Ms. Dentzer is the editor-in-chief of Health Affairs,
Bethesda, MD, and an on-air analyst on health policy for the
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on the Public Broadcasting Service.
The greatest danger to public health might be
"checkbook science": research intended not to expand knowledge
or to benefit humanity but to sell products. Much of the media
coverage of health news stories is based on public relations
efforts on behalf of the companies that sell the products,
including pharmaceutical companies, diet clinics, or doctors
selling new techniques. The author presents three case studies
of how companies selling medical products effectively but
invisibly shaped recent news coverage of medical products: fen-phen
diet pills, breast implants, and hormone replacement therapy.
All involve subtle strategies whereby physicians and other
experts paid by corporate interests are influential because they
are perceived to be objective medical experts. Articles in
prestigious medical journals are sometimes ghostwritten by
individuals paid by companies or are based on biased analyses or
interpretations shaped by corporate interests. Nonprofit
organizations that tout the benefits of specific medical
products also may be part of the public relations efforts of the
companies making the product. Meanwhile, important newsworthy
studies are ignored by the mass media when corporate interests
do not publicize or pitch the results to influential reporters
and producers.
This paper is concerned with
explaining why in contemporary society there has been a
number of changes to income maintenance and labour market
policy for disabled
people. Taking a regulation approach theoretical
framework it engages with the debate about whether disabled
people can be considered to be part of the reserve
army of labour. Rejecting previous broad‐brush approaches
that seem to suggest that all disabled
people are part of the reserve army, it argues that
the policy changes have been aimed at reconstructing
non‐employed disabled
people as an important part of the reserve army in a
period when labour markets are becoming tighter. In this
sense disabled
people are crucial to
New Labour’s regulation of neo‐liberal accumulation
that is structured through a contradiction between economic
stability and increasing participation in paid employment.
Breaking bad news is one of a physician's most
difficult duties, yet medical education typically offers little
formal preparation for this daunting task. Without proper
training, the discomfort and uncertainty associated with
breaking bad news may lead physicians to emotionally disengage
from patients. Numerous study results show that patients
generally desire frank and empathetic disclosure of a terminal
diagnosis or other bad news. Focused training in communication
skills and techniques to facilitate breaking bad news has been
demonstrated to improve patient satisfaction and physician
comfort. Physicians can build on the following simple mnemonic,
ABCDE, to provide hope and healing to patients receiving bad
news: Advance preparation--arrange adequate time and privacy,
confirm medical facts, review relevant clinical data, and
emotionally prepare for the encounter. Building a therapeutic
relationship-identify patient preferences regarding the
disclosure of bad news. Communicating well-determine the
patient's knowledge and understanding of the situation, proceed
at the patient's pace, avoid medical jargon or euphemisms, allow
for silence and tears, and answer questions. Dealing with
patient and family reactions-assess and respond to emotional
reactions and empathize with the patient. Encouraging/validating
emotions--offer realistic hope based on the patient's goals and
deal with your own needs.
Research and anecdotal evidence have shown that people
routinely view the ability to travel as synonymous with
personal freedom and independence. For example, many older
people see mobility as inextricably linked to personal
image, dignity, and well-being. Other research has suggested
that the ability to stay connected to friends and community
is an important element to physical and mental health. Most
adults equate mobility with the ability to drive; the loss
of driving is seen as a handicap, which results in, at best,
a change in lifestyle and, at worst, the end of life as they
know it. One survey of older people at a health maintenance
organization in Southern California identified losing the
ability to drive as more frightening than even the loss of a
spouse or the poor health of a child. Despite the importance
of transportation to personal lives and society's capacity
to ensure the productivity of one of its fastest-growing
populations, over the last decade there has been little
policy movement that would suggest serious progress in
keeping an older America on the move. In this analysis,
although transportation is critical to individuals and the
community, there are many institutional and system barriers
to policy innovation. This paper examines policy evolution
and developments between 1988 and 2000, characterizes the
political dynamics governing transportation policy for an
aging society, and concludes with policy research
recommendations that may provide new impetus and urgency to
the issue.
Monograph Accession #:
Corporate Authors:
Transportation Research Board
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001 USA
Transportation in an Aging Society: A Decade of Experience
Location: Bethesda Maryland, United States
Date: 1999-11-7 to 1999-11-9
Sponsors: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration;
Federal Highway Administration; Federal Transit
Administration; Office of the Secretary of Transportation;
National Institute on Aging; National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control; Eno Transportation Foundation; AAA
Foundation for Traffic Safety; Beverly Foundation;
Transportation Research Board
References (45) ; Tables (3)
Subject Areas:
Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Policy; Research; Safety
and Human Factors; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning
Last Modified:
May 15 2009 11:33PM
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