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Enhance Mobility




Transformer Mojo Triaxe-Cruze Triaxe  Sport  


Enhance Mobility is the exclusive US distributor of the most popular, industry leading folding travel scooters available today, the Transformer, Mobie Plus, Mojo, and Triaxe Sport.
The Transformer is the only fully electric folding scooter on the market today. Offering a range of original and unique features this scooter is ultra-portable and boasts a 300lb weight capacity. The Transformer opens and closes automatically by remote remote control. The Lithium ion battery is incredibly lightweight and along with the scooter is airline friendly.

The Mobie Plus is a manual folding travel scooter that has a 300 lb capacity, 4mph top speed and can double its standard 13 mile range by adding an onboard spare battery.
Enhance Mobility is also proud to announce its latest scooter. The Triaxe Sport combines light weight, performance and distance in one sleek looking package. Released at MedTrade in Las Vegas on March 1st. It is able to reach speeds of 9 mph and and travel 35 miles before needing a charge. This scooter is breaking new records for sales. Find out more today about the Triaxe Sport.






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