Myrna Rawdin,

I am responding
to your letter with my Lexis Light testimonial. After
recovering from a stroke my major disability is the
inability to walk any distance. Because I had my scooter
with me, I was able to enjoy every aspect of a trip to
Hawaii. I drove the scooter through the airports in
Philadelphia, Chicago Honolulu. I also drove it to the
entrance of the plane when the attendants put it underneath.
The outdoor pictures I have enclosed were taken during two
of the excursions during our trip. One is at Volcanoes
National ark and the other at Lea Life Park. The indoor one
shows the 900-foot hallway of the ship. I could never have
negotiated around the ship without my Lexis Light. I used it
everywhere we went, from restaurants to the pool, to shops,
and to explore the decks. Again I just want to thank you for
giving me freedom again.
Myrna Rawdin