Eric Golfer,

Dear Gentlemen:
receiving your Lexis Light Scooter I am most happy to send
in a testimonial as well as some photos I took on my trip as
stated below.
month my wife and I went to Disney World at Orlando FL from
our home at Palm Desert CA. Since I have difficulty with my
balance and cannot walk any distance we determined that The
Lexis Light scooter would be very helpful to give me
mobility while on this trip. On the airplane trip to and
from Florida I was able to ride the scooter all the way up
to the planes entrance and then I was returned my scooter at
the door of the plane upon exiting. It seemed to me that
this scooter is just as easy to get on an airplane, as it is
to get into a car. While at Disney World I used the scooter
continually to tour the park as well as get around the
hotel. My Lexis Light scooter performed admirably and
received many favorable comments. In no way could I have
gotten around so easily without the Lexis. I also used my
scooter to visit the everglades, riding on the paths to view
the wildlife. This was the first large trip I have taken my
scooter on and I will not hesitate to take it with me again
in the future.

Yours truly,

Eric Golfer |