If a primary care provider, such as a spouse, cannot
without great effort load a wheel chair into and out of an
automobile, then trips to the hair salon, grocery store,
shopping, or simply a ride to get out of the house are
limited. This product takes away the challenge of hoisting
the chair, so that simple trips or outings become simple
again. The main goal of this product was to increase the
quality of life for both people who have a wheel chair in
their life. Without the W C Caddy, trips out are limited,
and when they do occur it is with great resentment on the
part of the person having to deal with the lifting of the
wheel chair.
Unfortunately, that resentment is focused on the person
who has to depend on the wheel chair for getting around. My
goal was to make a product that took away the strain and
hassle of lifting a 42 lb product, so that the trip to the
hair salon or Wall Mart was fun again, for both people. A
single trip out involves lifting the chair into the trunk of
a car, lifting it back out when you arrive at the
destination, lifting it back into the car when leaving, and
back out upon returning home. That's four times on a single
outing that the wheel chair has to be lifted.
Wheelchairs can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars
to several thousand dollars. A wheelchair takes an
extraordinary amount of abuse when it is being transported
anywhere, be it on an airline, on a trailer hitch mounted
transporting device, or being loaded into and out of an
automobile. Our product dramatically reduces wheelchair
abuse by encasing the wheelchair into a padded fabric
enclosure with handles, making it easier to load and unload.
The airline baggage people now have a product that is much
easier to handle. Did you know that airlines take a roll of
shrink wrap and wrap it around and around your wheelchair
when you hand it over to them? Then it is stored in the
luggage compartment with all the other bags. Our padded
sides, separate leg riser holders, and seat cushion
compartment keeps your wheelchair components together and
protected when traveling on the airlines. |

We have the honor of making a Special Edition Wheelchair
Caddy. Our new and patented wheelchair carrier and airline
travel case for the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation,
with 20% of the sales going directly to the foundation. We
are thrilled that our awesome new product will have a hand
in funding research to help find a cure for spinal cord
How It Works